
Inside Schloss Cecilienhof

Surrender Museum (Karlshorst)

The beginning of the WWII: Westerplatte (Danzig)

The Stasi Museum (Lichtenberg)

Inside the Stasi Museum (Lichtenberg)

Schloss Cecilienhof - UNESCO (Potsdam)

Buchenwald Concentration Camp (Weimar)

The Soviet War Memorial in the British Sector

Leibstandarte-SS "Adolf Hitler" Barracks (Lichterfelde)

Bridge of spies: Glienicke Brücke

Platz der Vereinten Nationen (Leninplatz)

The Day the Americans met the Soviets

Also the Stasi goes to Kino (Lichtenberg)

Checkpoint:Alpha - Marienborn Memorial

Seelow Heights - Seelower Höhen

Euthanasia Aktion T4 Monument (Tiergarten)

Military History Museum (Gatow)

Lichtgrenze (25th Mauerfall)

Inside the DDR Museum

Gleis 17 - train to the Holocaust (Grunewald)

Allied Museum - AlliiertenMuseum (Dahlem)

Olympiapark: Turnhaus (IV)

Olympiapark: Haus des Deutschen Sports (III)

Olympiapark: Swimming pool areas (II)

Olympiapark: Waldbühne and Clubhaus (I)

Marienfelde Refugee Center

Plötzensee Nazi Prison Memorial

Nazi's Schwerbelastungskörper (Tempelhof)

Soviet War Memorial in Schönholzer Heide (Pankow)

Soviet War Memorial (Treptower park)

Inside the Air Ministry Building

Euthanasia Center (Brandenburg An der Havel)

KGB Leistikowstrasse Prison

Checkpoint Bravo - Dreilinden

Palace of Military Justice of the Third Reich

KZ Treblinka Sculpture (Charlottenburg)

Nazi book burnings - Bücherverbrennungen

"Asoziale" Detention Center

Nazi Forced Labour Camp - Zwangsarbeit (Schöneweide)

Göbbels' Villa and FDJ Youth College

Diversity Destroyed. 1933 – 1938

Sinti and Roma Holocaust Memorial


Inside the Fichtebunker

Stasi: Operativ-Technische Sektor (OTS)

House of the Wannsee Conference


KZ Sachsenhausen

First Jewish Cemetery - Große Hamburger Straße

Stasi Prison